Why are you in business? Hopefully it is with the view to ultimately improve your lifestyle!
If Bartercard can help you to earn extra income which you can use partly for lifestyle purchases, then Bartercard is effectively helping you achieve the primary goal of improving your way of life.
Bartercard members are able to spend some of the Bartercard Trade pounds they receive from gaining extra business on either themselves or their family. Some business owners choose to use their Trade pounds, along with their interest free line of credit, to pay for a much needed holiday or weekend away. They may pay for other lifestyle expenses, such as dining out, clothing, entertainment, hobby equipment, gym memberships, massages, soft furnishings for their homes etc; all of which your business is supposed to be providing you with – a better lifestyle.
1. Ascertain, with the assistance of your Accountant, a budget to spend on lifestyle expenses.
2. Peruse the Bartercard Auction site, eMarketplace and International Online Directory for lifestyle products or services.
3. Ask your Trade Co-ordinator (Account Manager), or the Tourism and Hospitality Support personnel at Bartercard’s Head Office to advise you of any travel specials.
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